Top 10 Startling and Unusual Ways That People and Animals Get High
Though it would be inappropriate for us to support or encourage anything illegal, it is worth mentioning that humans have been searching for ways to change their states of consciousness or, as the youth say, get high for almost forever. It also comes out that others do it besides only people. Taking that into consideration, let us examine a few of the most remarkable heights ever attained.
10. Dolphins Get High on Pufferfish

According to some, dolphins are among the most intellectual creatures on the planet, if they can assess intelligence objectively. perhaps even in proximity to humans. What then are we to make of the fact that some dolphins enjoy getting high like kites, just like humans?
Young dolphins are evidently going out of their way to find and play with specific types of pufferfish, as evidenced by footage captured in the wild. Toxins are produced by these fish as a natural defensive mechanism, and in sufficient amounts, they can be fatal. However, similar to many other medicines, if taken at the appropriate dosage, it only makes you feel high rather than killing you. For dolphins, at least, that appears to be how it operates.
By biting into the fish a tiny bit and then passing it to a friend, the dolphins have figured out how to get the fish to release just enough of the toxin to get high. An entire pod of dolphins can go thoroughly deranged in this fashion. After being with the fish, they exhibit observable behavioral changes, such as floating with their noses up in the water.
9. Opium addiction causes parrots to raid poppy farms

The world’s manufacture of opium is a massive industry. There are over 233,000 hectares, or 575,755 acres, of opium plantations in Afghanistan alone. While India is the world’s largest producer of the substance and manufactures it lawfully for medical purposes, the country is not without its own issues. India faces the issue of parrots.
Up to thirty or forty times a day, parakeets and related species will congregate in poppy fields to feed. Bigger birds have the ability to take off with a complete pod, which can yield up to 20 to 25 grams of opium, or around 1 ounce, which is more than plenty to get a person high, let alone a parrot.
The birds will either take the entire pod or destroy the pods to extract the seeds; they know to fly in stealthily to avoid being noticed. To keep the birds away, farmers have attempted using firecrackers and loud noises, but none of these methods have been very effective.
8. To get high, some smoke dead scorpions
When it comes to getting high, humans have shown themselves to be nothing if not resourceful, and given enough time and Walter White creativity, we can make almost anything into a prohibited narcotic. That encompasses the completely erratic, such as lifeless scorpions.
Similar to India, Pakistan has a considerable amount of opium, but you can also buy scorpions from street vendors. You can either fry these scorpions on a stovetop or let them dry out in the sun. Addicts are drawn to the venom in the tail, and the high is, to use technical language, completely insane.
About six of the ten hours that the high lasts are just painful due to the highly toxic and lethal nature of the venom. It has been said that the final four hours are delightful after the six-hour pain prep because “everything appears like it is dancing.”
There are allegations that the venom is extremely toxic and highly addictive, making it more harmful than many other medicines. Delusions, severe memory loss, and other problems might result from it.
7. Lemurs Enjoy Highs Offered by Millipedes

The other members of the animal world are also well aware of the high that can be obtained by consuming creepy crawlies in one way or another, which is why lemurs have demonstrated a strong interest in consuming millipedes for high purposes.
Lemurs live on the island of Madagascar, where they consume primarily fruit and bounce around amusingly during the day. Additionally, they have been seen biting red millipedes but not consuming them. The lemur counterpart of what we have already witnessed with dolphins and pufferfish is this.
Toxins secreted by the red millipede are designed to deter predators. They even use cyanide in the concoction they make. The lemurs, on the other hand, drool horribly when they are sprayed with this solution. They now spit and cover the millipede in poison, rubbing the mixture of poisonous spit into their own fur. This induces a trance-like state in the lemurs and serves as a natural insecticide of sorts.
6. Wallabies Create Crop Circles After Taking Opium
There are poppies being grown in Australia for the purpose of producing opiate medications; some of these fields are even home to “super poppies,” which are specifically designed to produce high yields of narcotics for Johnson and Johnson. The indigenous fauna has taken notice of this.
The poppies are produced lawfully on the island of Tasmania, but the wallabies had a nasty habit of invading the fields, devouring the plants until they were entirely wasted, and then whirling around in circles. This is a double dose of marsupial mayhem because, in addition to the eating issue, the wallabies’ spinning causes destructive crop circles that uproot even more of the valuable plants.
The reason why poppies cause wallabies to spin in circles has never been understood; sheep also experience this behavior, but neither animal is locked in the field—instead, they appear to become caught spinning and feeding while high.
5. Drinking reindeer poop makes reindeer herders high
This one may be considered a circle of life high or a twofer. If nothing else, it’s unique in the extreme sense of being like a psychoactive centipede that isn’t quite human.
Due to the abundance of reindeer in the northern regions of Europe, there are many reindeer herders, notably the Sami people. The Sami people have incorporated the reindeer’s habit of grazing on hallucinogenic mushrooms into their own ceremonies, as the herders have long understood. The world’s oddest contact high was reportedly obtained by Sami shamans by drinking the reindeer’s pee after they had previously consumed certain drugs.
Currently, a lot of sites refute this myth and claim that, naturally, no one has ever ingested hallucinogenic reindeer urine. But after he spent time with these people and they confirmed to him that it does happen, one of the debunkers eventually withdrew the claim.
When the mushrooms are there, why drink reindeer whiz? Reindeer sift through them. The mushrooms would be too deadly by themselves. Eating them raw would result in adverse effects like vomiting. Ironically, though, it tastes much better after being filtered via reindeer poop.
4. Young People in the United Arab Emirates Like Smoking Crushed Ants

The United Arab Emirates is renowned for having rather stringent laws regarding the use of drugs and alcohol. However, it appears that the locals have created one or two new ways to get around the rules. For example, some individuals smoke ants.
When attacked, the indigenous samsun black ants use their defense mechanism to create formic acid. In sandy regions, the ants are collected, crushed, and put to tobacco to be smoked. Formic acid gives users a high similar to that of marijuana, replete with visual and auditory hallucinations. The drawback is that smoking formic acid makes it extremely poisonous and increases the risk of lung fibrosis, renal failure, and nervous system damage.
According to statistics, up to one-third of all children in the UAE appear to have tried it, indicating that the issue is widespread among young people. Since it’s not against the law to smoke, there are no repercussions for anyone who does so. Ants are also incredibly common.
For individuals who would prefer not to scrounge for ants, there is even a market for them. These are sold in packets for roughly $100 US.
3. To Get High, Australian Dogs Lick Cane Toads
Perhaps the most common “weird” high there is—so well-known that it was included in a Simpsons episode more than 20 years ago—is licking toads. But there’s more to the theory of licking toads to get high than just cartoon foolishness. It also doesn’t just affect people or their animated counterparts with yellow skin. Aussie dogs have discovered that they can also get a rush in this manner.
More than a billion cane toads can be found in Australia, and they are all shielded by a poisonous secretion. It is not enough to kill a dog that might drop by for a quick sample, though. But the dog will get stoned from it. It causes the dogs to appear “a little bit crazy,” as one dog owner put it.
Australian officials and veterinarians freely admit that certain dogs exhibit this behavior on a regular basis. Some dogs have a habit and their owners have noticed the regular consequences of the activity, while any dog may encounter a toad once and try to play with it, getting high as a result.
Having said that, it is advisable to take your dog to the veterinarian just in case, as cane toad toxins have the potential to injure dogs as well.
2. In order to get at antifreeze, marmots wreck cars.

The history of antifreeze in the consumer goods industry is extensive and concerning. Because of its sweet flavor, cats are drawn to it and frequently eat it even though it is poisonous to them. In the 1970s, Austrian winemakers who added it to their wine also caused a major issue.
Antifreeze is harmful to both humans and cats, but marmots are a different story. Yellow-bellied marmots have been seen in clusters of four or five under cars in parking lots in California. The gang will drink as much antifreeze as they can once they crawl up into the engine and gnaw through hoses until they discover the one that contains coolant. Up to 200 marmots are known to do this at the Sequoia National Park parking lot between May and August, causing damage to a few dozen cars in the process, according to Fish and Wildlife authorities.
The marmots began doing this in the 1980s, and they have been seen appearing to be high on something, possibly ethylene glycol, which is technically alcohol but not the kind that most people should be consuming.
The fact that the marmots return indicates that it is not killing them like it would many other creatures, even if it is unknown if they can somehow digest antifreeze or if they just ingest non-lethal levels.
1. To get high, soldiers in Vietnam would consume C4.

People have utilized a wide range of absurd methods to get high. For a while, sniffing glue was very popular. puffing on gas as well. We’ll experiment with large quantities of nutmeg and even banana peels, even if they have no effect. Heck, for a moment it appeared like everyone was using krokodil, and that chemical concoction made people disappear while they were still alive. Therefore, it might not seem too strange to hear that soldiers in Vietnam attempted to use C4 explosives as a means of getting high.
During the war, C4 was a widely used military explosive and is currently employed in demolition operations. Vietnam War soldiers discovered that little doses of the plastic explosive gave off an ethanol-like high. Naturally, it also causes a wide range of additional symptoms, including coma, rashes, cardiac arrhythmia, vomiting, seizures, and more.
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