Top 10 Historical Figures Who Were Suddenly Obsolete
10 Severus
The Romans first used the phrase “damnatio memoriae,” which means “damning of a memory” in English. It was the highest form of scorn to erase a lifetime’s work from record as if it had never happened, during a time when people valued legacy more than life itself. Only the most heinous of sinners, including political dissidents, religious heretics, or infamous members of wealthy families were subject to the Roman death penalty. This was the situation with the Severan family and Geta.Geta and Caracalla, his enmity and brother, tried to partition their father’s realm. Caracalla had Geta killed after their mother prevented him, and he had Geta’s wife, Plautilla, beheaded. The destruction of any statues or references to Geta or Plautilla, as well as any inscriptions bearing their names, followed their deaths. The irony is that the history-stricken Geta was still given a public funeral because of his fame.
9 Daniel Yezhovtwo, novoli
It was risky business to be Stalin’s enemy. As minister of Stalin’s most savage enforcement squad, the cruel and dreaded Nikolai Yezhov found himself at the receiving end of the communist leader’s wrath, which was a cruel irony. Not only was Nikolai and his family deposed, killed, and shamed, but he was also meticulously removed from images in which he had been seen alongside his predecessor.Suddenly, Yezhov, who had been a strong new world order official, was reduced to a silhouette in a dark photo and an unmentionable figure. It was standard practice for the communist regime to erase unpleasant realities, including people, and hide failures, so Yezhov wasn’t the only one to get the Photoshop treatment during WWII. The present communist-led regimes have maintained the practice of forcibly removing rebellious leaders and erasing their names from official papers.
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8 Slovenia: A Country Erased
Being erased from history books is something that happens to everyone. Many people had already emigrated to Slovenia before the nation’s 1991 declaration of independence from Yugoslavia. Although Slovenes did not have to apply for citizenship, a lengthy process was instituted. As a solution to their migratory problems, the Slovenian authorities removed more than 25,000 names from the public registry of official citizenship in 1992, when they were confronted with a massive logistical challenge.When the records were erased, all of the people’s civil, political, social, and economic rights disappeared as well. The long-term inhabitants became undocumented immigrants in their own houses in the blink of an eye. After more than 20 years of unsuccessful attempts, the overturned citizens finally won their right to citizenship and civil liberties in a series of court appeals. Even if a lot of people decided to go, some stayed and pretended to be refugees or asylum seekers, even though they were full citizens only a few days ago. The activist group’s request for the restored rights was granted by the European Court for Human Rights, which means they will have to pay twice as much as the Slovene government has proposed.
7 Jang sa thaek4

Kim Jong-n and his family have been more stereotypically portrayed in the media as larger-than-life lunatics than any other dictator in recent memory. Secretive dictatorial policies have surfaced, notwithstanding the current powers that be’s grandstanding and frequently aggressive comments. If you or a member of your family disagrees with the state’s official policy, you may be subject to slander and cold-blooded murder.He had his uncle imprisoned when the uncle offended Kim Jong-un, the current dictator. Following this, he had him declared a traitor and killed. But that wasn’t all—Kim, enraged beyond belief, had the individual methodically banned from any and all government-controlled media in the nation. North Korea now claims the man who had an insider position for years does not exist.
6 Hapsheput, Queen Hatshepsut
We may never know for sure, but the Egyptians might have been the first to use historical revisionism. They did, in fact, make it known to the public as something that was widely and actively pursued. It was common practice for each succeeding pharaoh to erase any trace of his predecessor in an effort to establish his own supremacy. Because the names of conquering monarchs were literally chiselled out of their place in history, this method makes it incredibly difficult to discern chronological events in Egyptian chronology. The whole royal family, all attendant priests, and even domestic animals were executed if a king did not have an heir—and occasionally even if there was one. This put an end to the customs that the people had previously followed.Following her husband Thutmose I’s death twenty years ago, Egypt’s tranquil queen Hatshepsut presided over a thriving monarchy. Hatshepsut assumed the role of regent for her son Thutmose III, who would eventually become pharaoh, because he was too young to do so. She remained in that position until her death. Whether it was out of political calculation or personal animosity, Thutmose had his aunt’s inscriptions deleted, her statues shut up or destroyed, and her name drowned out of history. In modern-day Egypt, you can see one of the obelisks that she set up.
5 Maximillian6-maximillian
It was the age-old struggle for dominance between two superpowers, each vying for control of the world’s leading power. Constantine and the dissident Maximinian were both Caesars at the time, and they quarrelled over who should be named Augustus, the title of supreme commander. Power struggles raged on for a long time as a result of the complexity of the situation.Two times, Maximian caved to pressure and abdicated, although he never stopped asserting his authority as Augustus over Constantine. In the province, Christians were persecuted and temples were torched by Maximian, who was known to be anti-Christian. He was incarcerated and then committed himself due to his immense unpopularity within the reformist regime that would later become Constantine’s empire. The erasure of Maximian from history, including the destruction of coins bearing his image and the removal of his portraits, was a punishment for his crimes and an effort to clear the Roman slate for Christian policies.
4 O’Farrell, Elizabeth7- or arrel
Hundreds of Irish women throughout the 1916 revolution can be found in Elizabeth O’Farrell’s story. O’Farrell, a nurse and staunch Republican, was an enormous movement supporter who even took the danger of sending messages across borders to spread the word. At a time when Irish society saw women primarily in the role of housekeeper, she was a vocal supporter of women’s rights. O’Farrell was selected to stand with opposition leader Padraig Pearse during the surrender when the white flag was waved. A commemorative photograph was shot to mark a significant event in Irish history.Where is the issue? There was no sign of Elizabeth O’Farrell. Subsequent iterations of the artwork revealed an airbrushed scenario devoid of O’Farrell, and all that was visible were her feet behind the rebel leader. She stayed a mere footnote for almost a century. Whether the erasure was deliberate is the question. A bridge was named after another protest participant, Rosie Hackett, and the Irish government has since apologised for minimising the role of female freedom fighters. Eyewitnesses who say they had conversations with O’Farrell say she stepped aside on purpose so the oppressors wouldn’t get a good look at her. It is unclear why the editors decided to delete her remaining image.
3 Arkenaton in Akhenaten
Some have even gone so far as to say that Akhenaten was the model for the Christian Moses. He had an unparalleled and, in the end, fleeting impact on the Egyptian people. The popular pantheon of Egyptian gods—polytheistic and beloved by the people—was extinguished by Akhenaten, who is credited with introducing monotheism to Egypt. Because of his revolutionary and radical reforms to religion and politics, he was unpopular.In the immediate aftermath of becoming pharaoh, Akhenaten had all references to the deity believed to have fathered the previous pharaoh erased from his father’s tomb. He and his wife Nefertiti formed a new capital and governed the area. Despite his best attempts, his son and the most famous pharaoh of all time, Tutankhamun, went on to revoke his decrees. The scribes stole into the tomb of Akhenaten’s father not long after he passed away and recarved the names of each of the ancient gods. Also methodically removed were any references to Akhenaten.
2 The ninth Khan, Altani
For all time, the very mention of Genghis Khan brings to mind unrivalled horror and conflict. The moniker “Altani Khan,” however, is unappealing to the majority of contemporary listeners. Interestingly, Genghis had three daughters during his reign who were highly esteemed and revered; in fact, their father lauded them and bestowed upon them influential military posts. Their sway prevented his kingdom’s collapse following his death, but their identities were obliterated by an anonymous censor.Because their father’s words that would have bestowed their rightful honour in his new realm were mysteriously removed from the record of their reign, The Secret History of the Mongols, no film featuring a cartoon version of Altani or her sisters has ever been produced, even though every schoolchild knows Genghis Khan. The women, whom Genghis greatly respected, should be honoured, he supposedly said. The daughters had no choice but to put up a battle as a hostile revolt sought to regain the realm from the deposed king. Regrettably, the kingdom quickly collapsed. The sisters were omitted from the official record as time passed and the true story was revealed.
1 Jack Parsons’s profileten-inch jack
Notable among the most consequential individuals of his era was Jack Parsons. He started one of the most significant programmes in America and was an inventor, scientist, and socialite. As a founding member of the JBL, Jack helped pave the way for the organisation that would become NASA, which relied heavily on military technology during WWII.He was also there when Scientology was first starting out. Between his friendship with L. Ron Hubbard and their mutual practice of borrowing Parson’s wife, Jack caused quite a stir in the 1940s, much to the dismay of the country’s intellectual elite and the government. He tried to call upon demonic beings and frequently identified himself as the Antichrist. Sex and Rockets, a biography that revived the memory of this eccentric character, brought Jack back to life after he was systematically erased from textbooks and almost all references that aren’t footnotes.
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