Top 10 Heartbreaking Accounts From Stalin’s Offspring
Kids don’t get a say in who they spend their childhood with; they’re born into a family and have no choice but to identify with their parents.We have a tendency to view a monster child as an extension of the parents when the child is born into their care. Upon the deposal of their fathers, the children of dictators sometimes find themselves in the position of being tried. However, under a dictator’s rule, their lives might be just as dreadful as anyone else’s.Yakov, Vasily, and Svetlana were the three children of Joseph Stalin. Even though they had no say in the matter, Stalin’s children were born into his family and spent their entire lives subject to the icy dictatorship of the Soviet Union.
10 The Attempt on Yakov’s LifeStalin Yevgeny
Post-Ekaterina Stalin’s death, he underwent a transformation. “With her have died my last warm feelings for humanity,” he stated at her funeral. He grew icier, angrier, and emotionally detached from Yakov.Stalin would wed Nadezhda Allilueva again, but this time he would be more harder. He drank excessively and took out his frustrations with country rule on his family. Nadezhda ran away to live with her parents on occasion since the situation became so bad. Even though she brought her children along, Ekaterina’s son Yakov was left behind, to deal with his father’s intoxicated tantrums on his own.Because of the unbearable conditions under Stalin’s rule, Yakov shot himself in the chest in 1930 while he was alone in his flat. Doctors at the hospital saved his life when he was brought there, and Stalin was summoned to meet his son, whom he had driven to suicide.
In a straightforward manner, Stalin stated to his son, “He can’t even shoot straight.”
9 Stalin Led Nadezhda to Take Her Own LifeStalin and Yevgenya Zemin
Stalin could do whatever he wanted to Nadezhda, including cheat on her and abuse her, but eventually it became too much. When the attendees at a Kremlin party commemorating the October Revolution’s fifteenth anniversary raised a glass to Stalin, Nadezhda stood firm and refused to partake.Stalin used an obnoxious voice and scolded his wife. “Take a sip!”Do not dare to say “hi” to me! Replying, Nadezhda fired a shot.With a thud, Nadezhda escaped the Kremlin. She wrote a letter at home slamming Stalin, calling him a dictator who tortured his own people and family. Before taking her own life, she made one final climb into her bed.Under Stalin’s watchful eye, his wife’s suicide was concealed from the public and her own children. For the next decade, Svetlana would remain in the dark about her mother’s death. Stalin angrily said at Nadezhda’s burial that she “went away as an enemy.” Neither the burial nor the visitation of her tomb were attended by him.
8 Stalin Detained Yakov’s Wife Upon German CaptureCatching Yakov

Julia was the name of the Jewish woman whom Yakov wed. Stalin immediately frowned upon it. “That Jewish woman” was his sole description of her, and he made an effort to terminate their marriage. She won his heart eventually, yet he still sent her to a gulag despite his feelings for her.Yakov was sent to fight when Russia joined WWII. He fought as a commander against the Germans until 1941, when he was defeated and had to surrender. The Germans sent Stalin a photo of his kidnapped son as a means of psychological torture. Nevertheless, Stalin had previously issued a decree labelling any individual who turned themselves in as “a malicious deserter whose family is to be arrested,” and he had no intention of showing kind treatment to his own relatives.In accordance with his own directive, he forwarded Julia to the Gulag. Gulia, Yakov’s three-year-old daughter, was separated from her parents for two years as they endured hardship in prison camps.
7 The First Love of Svetlana That Stalin Sent to the Gulag
Svetlana was falling head over heels for Yakov as he lingered in jail. She met Aleksei Kapler, a 38-year-old filmmaker, on the tenth anniversary of her mother’s death when she was 17 years old. While she was grieving, he made her feel better by dancing with her and giving her literature that her father had forbidden.Putin was enraged. He had her partner transported to a gulag for ten years after covertly taping Svetlana’s phone chats with him.Stalin accused his daughter of having an affair while Russia’s soldiers were dying in battle after he approached her while Kapler was in prison. Svetlana insisted on telling her father that she was head over heels about Aleksei, and he ignored her. Stalin struck her across the cheek. “Look at yourself,” he instructed his daughter. “Who would desire you? You dweeb!”
6 A Bomber Plane Went Fishing with Vasily
Svetlana said that Russian WWII bomber Vasily was Stalin’s prince. In order to prevent Stalin from losing another son, Vasily was removed from flight duty and given special treatment after Yakov’s abduction.As he matured, Vasily started to take advantage of his position. He frequently attempted to take use of his status as Stalin’s son, despite the fact that he was a notorious drunk. Stalin often told his men not to give Vasily preferential treatment, but he was nevertheless elevated too high for his abilities.Vasily and a few others took to the skies in 1943 for a fishing excursion. They were so inebriated that they set timed bombs in a lake and watched as the fish died. An honourable officer lost his life when a bomb went off in the incorrect spot.”Immediately dismiss Colonel VJ Stalin from the regiment for hard drinking, debauchery, and corrupting the regiment,” Stalin wrote to Vasily’s commanding commander.
5 Stalin Kept Yakov In A Concentration Camp Until He Died.
Hitler attempted to arrange a swap as the conclusion of World War II drew near, exchanging German marshal Friedrich Paulus for Yakov. Stalin rejected the opportunity to spare his son’s life. Stalin responded, “I will not exchange a marshal for a lieutenant.” I paraphrase.Yakov was abandoned by his own father to perish in a detention camp run by the Germans. Word went out that his father had slaughtered 15,000 Polish officers in Katyn, which made his predicament worse since the only people he had friends with there were the other prisoners, many of whom were Polish. Both his captors and the other prisoners despised Yakov. He reached the edge of the camp, grabbed to an electric fence, and allowed it to electrocute him to death, feeling hopeless.It was a rare occasion when Yakov brought joy to his father. After Stalin’s wife was released, he allegedly would flaunt images of Yakov. Taking a look, he boasted. “A man of impeccable character throughout.”
4 Stalin Avowedly Would Not Meet Svetlana’s HusbandStalin
A Jewish student at Moscow State University named Grigory Morozov was the object of Svetlana’s second love. Svetlana became Stalin’s wife and had his child, although Stalin never laid eyes on Grigory. “I will never meet your Jew.” He made this vow the instant she announced their engagement.Svetlana rediscovered love after her marriage to Grigory eventually crumbled. On this occasion, she wed the son of one of her father’s closest confidants in an effort to bring him joy, but it was in vain. Stalin made only a passing note of her existence.”My father had lost all interest in me,” Svetlana would tell a friend in the future.
3 Vasily was rude and offensive.

With the exception of his father, he seemed unafraid of everyone, had extramarital affairs, abused his wife, and drank excessively. Rumour has it that Vasily would tremble and utterly freeze in Stalin’s presence.Eleven players and eight coaches perished when the Soviet Union’s hockey jet crashed in 1950, while Vasily was their coach. The thought of his father abusing him filled Vasily with dread. He attempted to act as if nothing had transpired, replaced the whole squad, and barred the state media from discussing the crash.The result was satisfactory. Stalin was oblivious to the fact that his hockey team had a fresh roster.
2 Vladimir Stalin’s death immediately led to his imprisonment.
The Soviet leader Vasily Stalin
Nobody liked Vasily, and he knew it. When he thought his father’s shield would be withdrawn, he knew he would be in trouble.Vasily was promptly subjected to charges of embezzlement upon Stalin’s death in 1953. He constructed the largest swimming pool in Russia as part of a sports complex in an effort to win over a woman. Building a lavish private hunting reserve was his way of keeping himself occupied. He used funds from the Soviet Air Force for everything.After Khrushchev granted him parole in 1960, he was incarcerated again for a traffic accident that occurred the following year. Upon his release, he was banished to Kazan.Prone to the ravages of a disease brought on by years of persistent alcoholism, Vasily passed away soon after, all by himself, despised by his nationmen.
1 Svetlana Deceived American AuthoritiesThe Stalin Sisters
In addition to despising her father, whom Svetlana regarded as “a moral and spiritual monster,” she was enraged by the government of her nation. It wasn’t until 1967 that she escaped and defected to America. “I have come here to seek the self-expression that has been denied for me for so long in Russia,” Svetlana proclaimed before an audience in New York.Unfortunately, she couldn’t bring her kids along, so in 1984 she returned to the USSR to see them. Even so, she returned to the United States and remained there until her death in 2011 at the age of 85..Svetlana finally had the independence she had always desired; she was the last survivor of her family and she lived in the country that had been her father’s enemy. She had told a reporter, “I am quite happy here,” a year before to her death.
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