Top 10 Weirdest Ways That Nature Offers To Communicate
10. A lot of bug eaters get a good amount of protein from moths and mosquitoes.
The good news is that a number of moth species are rising up in resistance. Yponomeuta moths “talk” their way out of sticky situations, which is somewhat peculiar.
The wings of the deaf creature are replete with tymbals, which are structures that produce sound. These see-through structures contort and contort as the creature flaps its fragile wings. The predatory bat uses echolocation to pick up on a succession of ultrasonic clicks caused by this buckling.Yponomeuta moths have their own sneaky way of tricking bats, unlike other moths that make ultrasound to acoustically “jam” their sonar capabilities. They make noises that sound like the more dangerous tiger moths’ clicking. Bats evolved to avoid these clicks because they thought they were from deadly moths.[1] Some grass moths perform “ultrasonic courtship songs” to woo possible mates. The males of this species can only transmit these sounds over a small distance, which is a survival mechanism. If there’s too much commotion, the moth can become bat meal.
9. Tree-Cuddlers and Bears Who Spill Their Pee
The bear has an unusual manner of announcing its presence. It almost seems like these solitary creatures have an endless itch, because they often rub their backs against trees. The presentation concludes with the creature’s thick fur strewn around the tree. The numerous chemical signals used by brown bears to identify territory and establish dominance—bite marks, seeping tree sap, and scratches—speak volumes to other bears in the area. For instance, it is usual practice to spritz the local flora with secretions and urine from the anal glands. These chemical cues are readily detectable by bears due to their extraordinary sense of smell. Big brown bears communicate their social rank by using the trees as messengers. The subordinate bears decipher the signals and use them to stay away from the dominant bears, who could attack them. Some cubs probably utilise rub trees as a defence mechanism, but according to Melanie Clapham, a biologist and bear researcher, “rub trees” make sure young bears at all levels of the social order can safely approach females and feed. When adult males want to mate with new moms, they will sometimes kill the cubs. Bear cubs, whether brown or polar, have big sweat glands between their toes, and there’s evidence that they brush up against scent-laden trees in an attempt to mimic the dominant bear’s aroma. When these animals stomp about on all fours, their paws let out a unique aroma. The sex and reproductive status of a bear can be determined by its strong scent. On rare occasions, the bear would even go to extreme lengths, pounding its own excrement into the earth.
8. The African wild dog, scientifically known as Lycaon pictus, is a vulnerable animal species that originated in sub-Saharan Africa.
As a rule, these pack hunters will align themselves with the group’s strongest members. The pack’s daily operations are overseen by the dominant male and dominant female, who form a connection. In 2014, a group of researchers set out to observe the wild dogs’ behaviours at the Botswana Predator Conservation Trust. The dogs showed an unusual admiration for democracy as well. Even more confusing than the voting mechanism was the fact that the dogs were holding their own social rallies, which startled the zoologists. The wild dogs would congregate and then sneeze to communicate their preferences. For a pack to reach a consensus, there must be a certain number of sneezes, or “sneeze threshold” or “quorum”—the likelihood of which increases as the number of sneezes increases. Roughly ten sneezes are required if a lower-ranking dog starts the social rally. However, meerkats have shown similar cooperation, and the threshold might be as low as three sneezes if a dominant male or female summons a rally. No amount of “moving calls” will lead to a democratic agreement on where to hunt unless everyone pitches in. When the call is issued by three or more meerkats, the group must coordinate to locate a new spot.
7. An Online Fungus Resource
A vast biological equivalent of the Internet, an information superhighway, exists beneath our feet. The fungal strands, or mycelium, that make up this network are quite small. These vast networks can still expand to astronomical proportions; in the past, a few of them even seeded massive, tree-sized fungi that erupted from the ground hundreds of millions of years ago. A staggering 2,384 acres of soil surround the Blue Mountains in Oregon, providing a home for a network of fungi. The biggest known organism on Earth is this 2,400-year-old fungus. Ninety percent of all plants on land have a mutually beneficial connection with fungi. To aid in nutrition absorption and defence against pathogenic microorganisms, mycelial networks encircle plant and tree roots. For instance, many tree species employ these networks to transfer nutrients to young, malnourished trees; they also breakdown plant debris, keep soil fresh, and transfer nutrients from plants to plants. The fungus get carbs in return for this service, and the plants are able to communicate with each other via the mycelial network. Findings from a 2010 study by experts in China revealed that tomato plants communicate with one another through a mycelial network in the event of a contact with a dangerous pathogen. Then, in order to fight off the illness, the healthy plants would release protective enzymes.
6. Ants, especially pit-swapping ants, live and work in huge colonies and leave behind pheromone trails.
An assortment of biological mechanisms allow ants to coordinate nest building, navigation, and colony defence. For example, ant colonies frequently employ pheromones to indicate foraging locations to other members of the colony. As more ants follow the path, they use their antennae to pick up on the chemical signals. The strength of the pheromone fragrance increases when the trail is invaded by an increasing number of ants. The pheromone concoction secreted by an ant’s glands along its belly, thorax, anus, and feet attracts even more ants to join in. This pheromone cocktail’s composition is critical for conveying various concepts regarding a meal path. The aroma of a trail can lead an ant to both fruitful and fruitless forays. Ants recognise each other as nest mates through the exchange of saliva and short-term odours that act as “attack signals” to guide the colony towards nearby prey. Trophallaxis describes this unusual behaviour, which resembles kissing from the mouth to the other. Pheromones, hormones, nutrients, and DNA are all found in saliva. Chemical information about a worker’s colony and reproductive condition is exchanged in this way.

5. The Waggle Dance of Honeybees
The Honeybee’s Waggle Dance
Honeybees forage for pollen, nectar, water, and tree resin during the spring as they survey the countryside. Just like the lowly ant, every bee has to tell the rest of the hive what it found. The honeybee accomplishes this through the employment of its distinctive dancing pattern, the waggle dance, which, at first look, could seem somewhat chaotic. However, there is a wealth of practical information conveyed by the meticulously orchestrated ritual. The bee must first attract the attention of its fellow nectar lovers. It swiftly climbs onto another bee and sways back and forth. The bee starts to bust a move when there’s enough of a throng. While walking in a straight path, it wags its tail. The length of this “waggle run” indicates the distance to the flower patch, while the dance direction indicates the direction the bees should fly in relation to the Sun. The upward jiggling of the dancer indicates that the meal is situated on the horizon in the direction of the Sun. Honeybees often regurgitate a bit of the nectar they find while dancing to show bystanders what they’ve found; if they’re facing downward, it means the food is on the other side of the horizon from the Sun. The members of the colony take a whiff of the dancer before taking flight in order to better pinpoint the exact flower patch they are seeking.
4. Knifefish in Africa Utilise Electrolocation
While on vacation at the London Zoo in 1949, biologist Hans W. Lissmann of the United Kingdom discovered something out of the ordinary in an aquarium tank. Among the fish, the African knifefish stood out for its remarkable ability to swim backwards, obliviously dodging the various obstacles scattered throughout the aquarium. The fact that the being has an organ capable of producing modest electric discharges was already known to Lissmann. Nevertheless, he started to question if these discharges were actually aiding the fish’s navigation. Fortunately, Lissmann’s wedding present was an African knifefish. The researcher quickly gathered answers. It turned out that the fish was actually sending out electric fields from a tiny organ in its tail. The fish could learn about its surroundings from the distortions in these signals, which were picked up by skin receptors. Amazingly, the creature could tell the difference between various materials by measuring their electrical conductivity. Mormyrid fish utilise these organs for both hunting in the murky depths of lakes and rivers and for communicating with each other in code. The behaviour, sex, species, and social position of fish can be inferred from their discharge patterns. One species of mormyrid, the bulldog fish, incorporates electricity into its courtship ritual. Longer pulses are a sign of a powerful mate, which is why they attract females. But there’s a little catch. It is not uncommon for predatory catfish to pounce on crooning males by intercepting their signals.
3. Wistful Calls Made by Crested Pigeons
Pigeons use their plumage to make a distress call.
A mechanism that alerts crested pigeons to possible predators has developed over time. Mainland Australia is home to the crested pigeon, scientifically known as Ocyphaps lophotes. Its mohawk-like crest and greenish-purple wings give it a unique look. When disturbed, the bird flies into the air and lets off a succession of panicked whistles. The bird’s vocal chords, however, do not generate these sounds. A low-frequency note is produced with each upstroke of the wing, and these vibrations originate in a particular area of the wing, namely the eighth primary feather. A high-frequency tone is produced with every downstroke. In an attempt to evade an approaching predator, the bird flutters its wings wildly. When taking flight, crested pigeons always whistle, which causes them to make a rapid series of high and low notes that other birds take as a warning signal. On the other hand, there is no warning signal initiated by a relaxed takeoff. Reason being, note tempo is sluggish due to the wing beat being too slow.[8]
2. Seismic Signals as a Means of Communication for White-Lipped Frogs
A field trip to Puerto Rico’s El Yunque National Forest was taken by physiologist Peter Narins in the 1980s. A cacophony as loud as a tube train passing 6 metres (20 ft) away filled the professor’s ears as the animal kingdom asserted its might, but Narins was far more interested in what was happening closer to ground level. As he observed the white-lipped frog, Leptodactylus albilabris, Narins noticed some peculiar behaviour. The amphibian, which was active at night, burrowed its tail into the earth and inflated its vocal sac several times. Listening in, the research team made use of geophones. Male frogs would perform this rite as part of a territorial proclamation while their eggs would hit the ground, creating a series of thumps. Due to its diminutive size, the white-lipped frog is unable to match the croaking sounds produced by larger amphibians. He came up with a very smart solution, though. The inner ear of L. A structure called the sacculus, which is packed with albilabris crystals, acts as a biological seismometer. The ground-penetrating vibrations caused by an inflated vocal sac can activate the sacculi of other frogs in the area. Male frogs use these signals to locate one other and keep their distance. Narins took it a step further and made his own fake frog using parts from an old typewriter. Every frog within a three-meter (ten-foot) radius would echo his thumping pattern.
1. Elephants Communicate Through Rumbling, Sniffing, and Sign Language
An In-Depth Examination of Elephants’ Feet as a Means of Hearing
When it comes to communicating, elephants are unrivalled. Elephants are gentle giants that communicate through touch, smell, sound, and sign language. Joyce Poole, a biologist and expert on elephants, found that these animals employ more than 200 distinct sounds and gestures. After forty years of research, Poole has perfected the art of accurately predicting an elephant’s behaviour from its body language, gait, and vocalisations. All of an elephant’s movements, from its trunk curl to its head flick, are purposeful and significant. “I noticed that when I would take out guests visiting Amboseli [National Park in Kenya] and was narrating the elephants’ behaviour,” Poole explained, “I got to the point where 90 percent of the time, I could predict what the elephant was about to do.” Based on her research, Poole created a database of elephant language. An online translator was even co-created by her. Elephant personalities can be as diverse as human personalities. A few elephants are shy and understated. When some people stand tall and prick their ears, it’s a sign of hostility, while others are more extroverted and expressive. A lighthearted gesture is to wag one’s head. Herd members communicate with one another by swaying their feet in a specific pattern. An elephant will assume the “freeze position” if it senses danger, and it will also “high-five” its trunk when it is celebrating. To warn its companions, it trumpets a combination of high- and low-frequency noises. The former only floats a short distance in the air. Earth’s vibrations are felt by specific nerve endings in elephants’ trunks and feet. Low-frequency rumbles, on the other hand, move seismically over far wider distances, usually between 8-10 kilometres (5-6 mi). While apart, elephants are able to communicate verbally thanks to this. Even from miles away, an elephant can feel the excitement of a stampeding zebra. The trunk of an elephant is also a means of communication. Elephants have an acute sense of smell thanks to the millions of olfactory receptor cells packed into their trunks. To find chemicals, elephants will sniff and taste excrement, urine, and secretions from other elephants. The ladies get so ecstatic during the bonding rituals that they go potty and urinate all over the place. The smells carried by a herd member’s trunk reveal a lot about their health status. When members of the same family rub together, it strengthens their relationships.